About Us

Our History

In 1969, the Norfolk Division of Virginia State College was granted independence by the General Assembly of Virginia and was named Norfolk State College. Immediately following independence, the leadership of the college and alumni set forth to establish an alumni association under the name of Norfolk State College. On May 29, 1971 the first annual meeting of the Norfolk State College Alumni Association was held on campus.

In 2000, the Association adopted its new name – Norfolk State University Alumni Association (NSUAA) and it is governed by a board of directors which consists of the: president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, chaplain, immediate past president, and a designee from each chapter.

Over the past forty-six years, the NSUAA has evolved into an accomplished and vibrant organization. Today, it has twenty-six chapters across the country and members around the world. Committed to supporting the mission of its alma mater, the NSUAA strives to serve as a beacon to future generations of alumni.

The purpose of the Association shall be to organize the alumni of Norfolk State University to develop and promote the educational objectives and activities of Norfolk State University by providing an organization through which alumni of the University may:

  • Provide financial support to Norfolk State University.
  • Assist the University in its efforts to obtain public and private support.
  • Assist the University in recruitment and retention of students, and the development of career opportunities, aided by the awarding of scholarships to deserving and needy students.
  • Communicate with alumni and friends in support of the University.

NSUAA Atlanta Chapter Networks

NSUAA Networks facilitates global networking, socialization, event support, and access to industry-specific resources for Norfolk State University Alumni Association graduates.

In order to help alumni maintain

ties to the university, our alumni memberships also provide a number of services and advantages, such as discounted Norfolk State products, access to career tools, and special events and programs.

We encourage all of our alumni

We encourage all of our alumni, regardless of when they graduated, to stay in touch with the institution by getting involved with the NSU Alumni Association. Please contact us by phone at (678) 664-7817 or email at nsuatlspartans@gmail.com if you have any queries.

Team for Community Engagement and Alumni

Katie G. Burke, Ph.D

Assistant Vice President for Community Involvement and Alumni Relations

NSUAA Atlanta Executive Board

Yvonne Young '74


Dave Alford '94

First Vice President

Robert Ross, Jr. '94

Second Vice President

Angela Mays-Shelley ‘14

Corresponding Secretary

Michelle Martin ‘82

Financial Secretary

Lauren Haley ‘92


Faye Rashid ‘80


Sherress Hicks ‘01



Recording Secretary

Standing Committee Leads

Dina Jones-Myrick – Community Service/Student Relations

Samantha Williams ’89 – Scholarship Committee

Gregory Skeeter ’15 – Fund-raising Committee

Clifford Brown ’93 – Membership Committee

Lauren Haley ’92 – Budget/Finance Committee

Ad Hoc Committee Leads

Adrian Stubbs ’80 – By-Laws Committee

Sherrelle Williams ’89 – Social Media Committee

Lauren Haley ’92 – Homecoming Committee

Tracey Mack ’93 – MEAC ATL Representative

Courtney Daniels ’09 – HBCU Alliance Representative

Cheryl Ward – Awards Committee

Kesha Chapman – Photography Committee

Korey Jones ’09 – Website Committee

Transportation Committee (Vacant)

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